Sunday, May 23, 2010

Church Hopping.

I've been debating on opening this can of worms. There has been rife debate within my birth family regarding churches, denominations, history, communion and what not. To put it mildly, nearly everyone has come to a different place one way or another. I am not here to speak on them, rather about myself in this regard. I have not officially been part of a church family pretty much since college, so over ten years now. My mother calls it "believing without belonging". (Hi Mom!).

Since my children have been born, DH and I have been actively seeking to find a church home, for their sakes. We both agree that we want them to grow up educated and exposed to a Christian influence. Thus have I begun my career as an official church hopper. I started out attending a few Sundays at the First Presb. downtown. Then I attended with the invite of a friend First Alliance for a bit. Then I dipped my toe into the Unitarian Universalist church down the street. And I also couldn't pass up the charming Quaker church down the way either. I have also made stops at Quest and Southland. and  Needless to say, I'm a bit all over the board. Each one has something very true and real about it, but at the same time each and every one has something that makes me go "AUUUUGH!!!". I am beginning to wonder if there exists a church in which I can be comfortable and not just put up with it for the sake of the kids.

Let me take a moment to clarify. I firmly believe that there is nothing wrong with my faith. I believe in the divinity of Christ, the crucifixion, resurrection and eventual return of Jesus.

There. Now that that is cleared up, I'd like to point out a few things that have bothered me. Everywhere I have gone I have directly or indirectly heard someone say something derogatory about another denomination. I shall avoid specifics, but some have even spoken these comments directly to me, not knowing anything about my history or inclination. This alone puts me on the defensive. How can a person feel welcomed as a visitor when negative things are being said about "those other guys"? Isn't that the whole point of church, to reflect the teachings of Christ through our words and actions to everyone? It seems like there is a very muddy perception of who is part of the Church and who isn't. A persons spiritual journey is a private personal thing which should only be shared at the discretion of that person, and should not be judged by another because of preconceived notions.

I guess it's confusing to me for a person to say "This is what's right, your way is wrong," It would seem that for something so integral as a persons spiritual journey perhaps one should say "This is what's right for me. I'd be happy to talk about it with you if you are interested," Otherwise, hush. And outside of my own baggage, the idea that it is acceptable to openly mock those of another denomenation during a church gathering is truly bizzarre.

And the weird thing is it keeps happening. Everywhere I have gone this has happened. I am a little aghast when it occurs and I'm not quite sure how to respond when it does.

1 comment:

  1. I was brought up Catholic, but when my parents divorced, my mom converted over to a Christian church. We were very involved in our churches, and I grew up knowing God.

    In my teenage years I veered away. After having my children, I came to know God again.. I just didn't go to church. My now ex-husband and I told people we believed, but didn't practice.

    My biggest thing, is people in churches tend to judge. Even though they are taught not to, they do - therefore they put themselves into little boxes. I don't like nor believe in these boxes. I believe we should accepting of everyone, whether they agree with our beliefs or not.

    I believe in God, and call myself a Christian. But I also believe in a lot of things that conservative Christians would look down on - like legal gay marriage.

    I have also lived outside of the box a lot of these church goers have put themselves in as well, so I'm looked upon as being.. not as faithful, maybe. I had my kids before getting married, and I had them young. I have lived a full life - some things I dread having done, others I don't.

    I get put in the box of: a young single mom, who has two kids, and has probably lived in sin. I am not seen as an equal.

    My mom takes my girls to church with her. They enjoy Sunday school. I occasionally attend, but not often.
