Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Many have read the books and seen the movies. Many think this is a simple love story about a girl and her vampire. Many have missed the layers. I am a well read individual. I know my metaphors and parallels when I see them. I also like to sink myself into some innocuous sci fi/ fantasy juvenile literature when I feel the need, just to have a break from real life for a moment. That is how I happened upon the Twilight Saga. With a newborn at home, a toddler and a MBA in the works, I chose Twilight as my nursing book. I picked it up at the library thinking I would see what all the fuss was about, fully expecting to fall into some vapid teen romance, not knowing what really to expect. Next thing I knew I was hooked. I found myself drawing parallels right away. At first I saw the literary comparisons that the lead girl's name is Bella Swan, a plain ordinary girl. Bella being the Italian word for 'beautiful' and Swan meaning, well, Swan. It just continued from there. My husband thinks I've lost my mind and my parents think I'm over the deep end, but the story keeps bugging me. I keep feeling a tickling in the back of my brain that I need to examine my thoughts regarding this story, and perhaps it will stem out to allowing me to examine other stories. Or give me further insights into other books that I have already read.

This blog will be my attempt at unearthing the truths as I see them, one chapter at a time, to examine the deeper meanings behind the story and to glean out the hidden metaphors that saturate the story. This blog is an experiment. I am one of two fifths of my childhood family that does not have any seminary experience, and so I am approaching the story from the stand point of a regular ordinary Christian perspective. I have always been a bit of a vampire, sci fi, werewolf, paranormal literature geek.

So here we go. This should be an interesting project.

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